Fossilarium - A museum for the whole family


Le Fossilarium offers a real journey through time, plunging visitors into the captivating world of fossils and revealing the secrets of their fossilization. 

Its rich local collection presents each living being in all its splendor, with its organs and appearance reconstructed in 3D animation. In addition, reproductions of giant fossils, deduction games, and manipulations enrich this immersive experience.

During guided excursions, visitors even have the opportunity to uncover their own fossils, thus contributing to scientific research. The Fossilarium thus offers a fascinating dive into the world of fossils, combining the discovery of local specimens with a magnificent global collection. Video animations, manipulations, and interactive experiences are on offer, accompanied by a guided tour for in-depth exploration. During these guided excursions, a competent animator assists visitors in the discovery and uncovering of fossils, offering an enriching and educational experience.

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Useful information

Fossilarium - A museum for the whole family
5 rue Principale Sud 
Notre-Dame-du-Nord, Québec
J0Z 3B0
Tel.: (819) 723-2500

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