Village Québécois d'Antan

Centre-du-Québec 2 reviews
  • Village Québécois d'Antan
  • Village Québécois d'Antan
  • Village Québécois d'Antan
  • Village Québécois d'Antan
  • Village Québécois d'Antan
  • Village Québécois d'Antan
  • Village Québécois d'Antan
  • Village Québécois d'Antan
  • Village Québécois d'Antan
  • Village Québécois d'Antan
  • Village Québécois d'Antan
  • Village Québécois d'Antan
  • Village Québécois d'Antan
  • Village Québécois d'Antan

This summer, witness a little turf war as Adélard, faced with the refusal of the priest to let him run for town hall, decided to found his own village, Saint-Tilard. If its inhabitants are constantly celebrating their hearts, their former fellow citizens do not really know what to do with their carefree attitude!

To add to the fun, treat yourself with a guided tour, an animated horse-drawn carriage ride or even a pedal go-kart excursion on the farm trail!

With its dozens of period buildings recreating a traditional village located in the heart of nature and its range of colorful characters inviting visitors to enter their world through their captivating stories, the Village québécois d'antan offers an authentic and entertaining cultural experience to wish, while offering a total immersion in French-speaking Quebec of the 19th and 20th centuries.


Useful information

Village Québécois d'Antan
1425 rue Montplaisir,
Drummondville, Qc, J2C 0M2
Phone: (819) 478-1441
Toll free: 1 (877) 710-0267

Share your Experience with us!

Mar. 11, 2021 Village Québécois d'Antan Village Québécois d'Antan Village Québécois d'Antan Village Québécois d'Antan Village Québécois d'Antan

Angie Gervais

Un très belle endroit a visité

Jun. 04, 2014 Village Québécois d'Antan Village Québécois d'Antan Village Québécois d'Antan Village Québécois d'Antan Village Québécois d'Antan

À voir au moins une fois!

Lorsque la température est clémente, cette visite est un beau moment à partager en famille. Journée agréable et de bons beignes maison sont vendus sur place Miam!!

La fabuleuse 2024
Never Miss a deal!