THE ÉLECTRIUM - Hydro-Québec - Free Tours


An electrifying experience!
Discover the many facets of electricity at the Électrium.

Winter and summer alike, whenever you go, this interpretation center has plenty to teach you about electricity—and will make it fun, interactive, and scientific! Our knowledgeable and enthusiastic guides can tailor the tour to suit visitors of any age.

Electricity: A phenomenon at the very heart of life! 

Besides observing electricity in nature, you’ll unravel the mysteries of atoms and electrons, static electricity, electrical circuits and electric and magnetic fields. Indeed, you’ll leave knowing everything there is to know! The guides will also explain how electricity is produced in a hydropower generating station and transported to your home. 

Kids and teens will get a charge out of our electric eels, Volta and Tesla, who can generate their own blast of power, as well as the Van de Graaff generator, whose 400,000 volts of static electricity will make your hair stand on end!

After visiting the Électrium, discover the magnificent Beauharnois generating station, a real show-stopper!

Length of tour: Approximately 90 to 120 minutes

Admission: Free

Reservation is recommended.


Web Site

Useful information

Électrium, the electricity interpretation center
2001, rue Michael-Faraday
Sainte-Julie (Québec) J3E 1Z3
Tel.: (450) 652-8977
Toll Free.: 1 800 267-4558

Closed: June 24, open July 1.

From September to May
Monday to Friday: 9:30 am to 4:00 pm
Sunday: 9:30 am to 5:00 pm

From June to August
Monday to Sunday: 9:30 am to 5:00 pm.

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