Expression Centre d'exposition Saint-Hyacinthe

Centre-du-Québec , Montérégie
  • Expression Centre d'exposition Saint-Hyacinthe
  • Expression Centre d'exposition Saint-Hyacinthe
  • Expression Centre d'exposition Saint-Hyacinthe
  • Expression Centre d'exposition Saint-Hyacinthe
  • Expression Centre d'exposition Saint-Hyacinthe
  • Expression Centre d'exposition Saint-Hyacinthe
  • Expression Centre d'exposition Saint-Hyacinthe
  • Expression Centre d'exposition Saint-Hyacinthe
  • Expression Centre d'exposition Saint-Hyacinthe
  • Expression Centre d'exposition Saint-Hyacinthe
  • Expression Centre d'exposition Saint-Hyacinthe
  • Expression Centre d'exposition Saint-Hyacinthe
  • Expression Centre d'exposition Saint-Hyacinthe
  • Expression Centre d'exposition Saint-Hyacinthe

Founded in 1985, EXPRESSION has the mandate of conserving and exhibiting contemporary artworks for the communities in Les Maskoutains (the region around Saint-Hyacinthe), Québec, and Canada, with the objective of establishing a dialogue with visitors and the general public. The artworks presented at EXPRESSION result from their creators’ research and theoretical exploration and reflect current aesthetic issues in Québec, Canada, and other countries. Building on the observation that artists often refer to the society from which they come, EXPRESSION’s artistic director has decided to present works that challenge visitors through psychosocial and philosophical concerns: genders, interpersonal relations, eating habits, the environment, occupation of the land, the notion of identity, and spirituality.

In addition to exhibitions, EXPRESSION offers educational services, publications, conferences, guided tours, and other mediation projects. The goal of all of these activities is to highlight the work of Canadian artists and make contemporary art more accessible to audiences of all generations, cultures, and beliefs.

To better understand and cope with life today, our mission consists of enlisting contemporary artworks as raw materials to connect here and elsewhere, past and present, different cultures and belief systems. In short, EXPRESSION is a place of delight, reflection, and education. In this spirit, EXPRESSION affirms that it promotes social dialogue and reconciliation with Indigenous peoples.
EXPRESSION, Centre d'exposition is located on the 2nd floor of 1555 Marché public in Saint-Hyacinthe.

This summer, discover the exhibition Creation stories : Surnatural by the Biennale d'art contemporain autochtone (BACA). From June 29 to October 27, 2024, the exhibition Relations végétales by artist Annie-France Leclerc, curated by Ariel Rondeau, will be presented at Jardin Daniel A. Séguin.

EXPRESSION, in collaboration with the City of Saint-Hyacinthe, has invited artist François Mathieu to carry out a residency inside the Notre-Dame-du-Rosaire church. Following this residency, consisting of 4 stays spread over the summer of 2024, François Mathieu will present an exhibition to be held in two locations: at EXPRESSION, from September 28 to December 22, 2024; and at Notre-Dame-du-Rosaire church, over five weekends in the fall. 

Visit our website for more information about our programming and calendar of events.

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Useful information

Expression Centre d'exposition Saint-Hyacinthe
495 avenue Saint-Simon
Saint-Hyacinthe (Québec), J2S 5C
Tel.: (450)-773-4209

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